Veja a solução que só Deus pode dar - Steven Lawson

Veja a solução que só Deus pode dar - Steven Lawson [Music] you don't need to be saved from a bad job you don't need to be saved from poverty you don't need to be saved from from any uh any problems that you may be.

Veja a solução que só Deus pode dar - Steven Lawson

Having your biggest problem is God who is infinitely holy and just one sin committed against God brings the Eternal death sentence upon.

You but we all have mountains and mountains of sin that we will suffer for throughout an eternity in hell because God Is So.

Holy and because we are so sinful God must punish every sin that has ever been committed in the history of the world no sin ever committed from the time of.

Adam will go unpunished under the full weight of the wrath of God understand this every sin will be punished.

Either in Hell upon the unbeliever or in Christ upon the cross but no sin will ever go unpunished just the breaking of one commandment of the law of.

God brings the full weight of the curse of God upon the sin and if we do not understand that it is because we do not understand.

How holy God is and how sinful we are but the higher we understand the Holiness of God and the lower we understand how.

Sinful we are the greater is the greater of the Lord Jesus Christ to span that Chasm if you have a low view of God h and a high view of.

Yourself the distance between holy God and yourself is very tiny but if you understand that God is flawlessly perfect.

And infinitely holy and that you are wretched and that the distance between you and God is is infinite it causes you to sing Amazing.

Grace how sweet the sound that saved a red this is why Jesus came he came to save now notice the next word in verse.

    15 notice for whom he

    Came notice for whom he died notice for whom he lived the next word is Sinners Jesus came to save.

    Sinners he did not come for good people he came for bad people he came for evil people he came for he came for.

    Rebellious people he came for people who were in in defiance of God Jesus said that he was a physician who has come not for those who.

    Are well but for those who are sick he said he's come not for the righteous he's come for the unrighteous and he only died for.

    Unrighteous people upon the cross he came for those who cannot save themselves he came for those who deserve the full punishment of God in hell he came to save law Breakers.

    ERS and no one will ever be saved until they confess to God what a sinner they are and how they have fallen short of God's.

    Glory Jesus told a parable in Luke chapter 18 of a Pharisee who came to worship God and there was a tax collector who also came that.

    Day and the Pharisee was considered to be the most religious of all people and as he was in church that day he gave thanks to God that he was not like other.

    People that he was not like this sinner over here this tax collector and it says he was praying to himself which means he didn't know.

    God he had no personal relationship with

    God whenever he prayed it was just a monologue with himself but here was this tax collector he was standing way over in.

    The corner because that's how he saw himself in a relationship to God a long way away from holy God and he was unwilling to even lift up.

    His eyes because he knew how unworthy he was to even look upon God or to even enter into God's presence he knew what a sinner he was.

    And he gave this prayer God have mercy upon me The Sinner he saw himself as the greatest sinner on the earth and he needed.

    Mercy he needed Grace he needed the riches of Christ to be given to him and Jesus made one of the most startling.

    Statements to ever come from his lips Jesus pointed to this tax collector who was the most hated man in town and Jesus said I tell you this man went home.

    Justified the shock as Jesus told that story everyone who heard that story would have assumed that the Pharisee would have gone home.

    Justified because he was such a religious man and such a respected man but he never saw himself as a sinner and so Jesus just passed over.

    Him and addressed the biggest in town who with that one prayer of repentance and Faith throwing himself upon the mercy of God Jesus said I tell you this man went.

    Home Justified it took place that quick in the moment in the twinkling of an eye he came to worship.

    Condemned and he went home a new man he went home Justified and then Jesus Jesus said this he who exalts himself will be.

    Humbled and he who humbles himself will be exalted everyone in this room will be humbled you will either humble yourself in this.

    Lifetime and throw yourself upon the mercy of God or you will be humbled on the last day when the books are opened and the Book of Life is.

    Opened and Jesus says depart from me you who work iniquity I never knew you how much better it is to Humble ourselves in this.

    Life to Bow the knee to the Lord Jesus Christ and to surrender your life submit your life under the lordship of Jesus Christ and if you will do that with.

    Humble saving Faith the grace of God will exalt you to the heights of Heaven you will be seated with Christ in Heavenly.

    Places you will become a joint Heir with Christ and you will inherit all things with him and all of the riches of his grace and Glory will be transferred to.

    You because you humbled yourself and believe believed in the Lord Jesus Christ This is why he came into the world you may be thinking here.

    Today I'm in the midst of this large uh Bible Gathering but the life that I have been living it has been so sinful I have been a long way from.

    God my my my past is soiled with Sin Sin of every kind could God save me I want you to know you're exactly the kind of person Jesus came into this.

    World to save and he will bypass those who are morally good but in their hearts have never humbled.

    Themselves and and his attention will be drawn to you because you would humble yourself at the foot of the cross and plead for his mercy and his.

    Forgiveness you could leave here today Justified you could have come here today under the guilt of sin and the heavy burden of your transgression.

    And you could leave here today right before God because Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners.

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